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Canine Companions for Independence – North Central Regional Center
"The North Central Regional Center of Canine Companions for Independence®, located in Delaware, Ohio, provides highly trained assistance dogs to adults and children with disabilities in 14 states including Ohio, western Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas.
Since opening in 1987, the region has placed 794 Service, Skilled Companion and Facility Dog teams throughout these 14 states and more than 327 of these teams are still active.
Currently, the region has more than 300 dedicated volunteers including 130 active volunteer puppy raisers ensuring our organization continues to provide “exceptional dogs for exceptional people.”
Canine Companions is proud to share its mission by providing facility tours and/or speakers for community events or meetings. Tours of the North Central Regional Training Center are available Monday-Friday afternoons and must be scheduled in advance. During the tour, you will learn more about Canine Companions for Independence, the training facility, disability awareness, assistance dogs and assistance dog etiquette. In addition, a Canine Companions staff member will demonstrate some of the 50 commands Canine Companions dogs learn during their training.
Canine Companions staff and volunteer speakers are available to present assistance dog demonstrations for meetings and events throughout the region. A presentation can be done with or without a dog and can educate your guests about Canine Companions for Independence, disability awareness, assistance dogs and assistance dog etiquette.