Canine Support Teams, Inc- CALIFORNIA

Address: 26500 Scott Rd
Menifee, CA 92584
Phone: (951) 301-3625 Fax: (951) 3013605 Email: Website:

Founded in 1989, Canine Support Team's Mission is to provide specially trained assistance/service dogs to people with disabilities to support their personal, social, and occupational independence. Our vision is to change the way the world thinks about disabilities, one dog at a time. 


Canine Support Teams is a non-profit, volunteer organization, made possible by the many people who volunteer their time, energy, money and love for the purpose of enhancing the lives of those affected by disabilities.

CST service dogs are placed with people who use wheelchairs, walkers, crutches or canes. CST service dogs are taught to assist their partners by pulling manual wheelchairs, turning lights on and off, pushing elevator buttons, retrieving dropped or hard to reach items, making purchases or banking transactions, opening and closing doors and drawers, barking to get help and providing stability for walking. In addition, these dogs help to serve as an ice-breaker in public situations and provide constant companionship for their partners.

Assistance dogs work for individuals who can manage their dogs with help from another person, caregiver or attendant. Assistance dogs have all the skills associated with Service Dogs.

Social dogs are placed with individuals, in nursing homes or in group care facilities. Interaction with dogs have been proven to have a strong, positive psychological impact. All dogs accepted into the training program must pass rigorous health and temperament tests. These dogs are either part of the CST breeding program or are donated by private breeders.


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