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Carolina Specialty Transport
Serving the Metrolina Region of North Carolina & South Carolina – General and Non-Emergency Transportation
What Does Our Service Mean To You?
As a healthcare professional or facility:
-Effective coordination of services.
-Cost effective transportation.
-Single source for all non-emergent services:
— Wheelchair
— Gerichair
— Ambulatory
As a patient or family member:
-Our services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
-We have a skilled and compassionate staff.
-We keep continuous communication with the physician offices, facilities, and others involved in the patient's care.
-Hands-on care from the bedside to the destination and back again.
-Accurate, timely departure and arrival.
-Credentialed, uniformed, NC-EMT trained staff provides the highest level of care and piece of mind.
-Modern equipment with the latest features to assure a safe, comfortable trip.
Quality Is A Priority With Carolina Specialty Transport.
Patient care is provided by a team of dedicated and trained professionals.
Each employee is dedicated to providing the highest level of quality service. Each employee has enhanced this commitment by achieving accreditation as a North Carolina certified EMT. All staff members are registered drivers, licensed and certified by the state of North Carolina. Our equipment is routinely, professionally maintained to give peace of mind when we are transporting you and/or your loved one.
What Are The Criteria for Using CST?
Carolina Specialty Transport provides professional transportation services when transportation by an automobile is not an option and the high cost of an ambulance is not warranted. Our vehicles are equipped with ""loaner"" wheelchairs, oxygen service, and gerichairs when requested. Portable ramps for access into and out of non-ADA buildings are also available.