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Casey Family Services – Vermont Division
Established in 1984, the Vermont Division of Casey Family Services offers an array of services to support and strengthen children, families, and communities statewide. Casey Family Services provides foster care (including treatment care and supporting youth making the transition to independence) along with post-adoption, family reunification, preservation and advocacy and other services for families and children. Casey Family Services has also established innovative community-based programs to strengthen families and enable parents to provide the healthy, nurturing environments their children need to grow and thrive. Vermont Division Services: 1) Foster Care and Adoption: Casey Family Services offers foster care services to children who cannot live with their birth families, primarily due to neglect or abuse. Children in foster care may live with unrelated foster parents, relatives, or families who plan to adopt them. Services focus on the safety and healthy development of the child, including the development of lifelong family connections that help children exit foster care and prepare for adulthood. 2) Post-Permanency Services: A pioneer in post-adoption services for children from foster care, Casey Family Services works with adoptive parents to address the emotional and psychological challenges foster children face during adoption. In addition, the agency works with guardians and other relative caregivers to maintain family permanence.
White River Junction Location: 35 Railroad Row, Suite 400, White River Junction, VT 05001