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Catholic Community Services – Southwest Community Services
"Southwest Community Services serves Arizona and New Mexico with services designed to meet the unique needs of people with a hearing loss or persons in need of supports to live independently.
Southwest Community Services (SCS) represents four organizations within Catholic Community Services that are specifically focused on persons with a disability.
SCS, under these four organizations provide services to persons who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind or persons who are seeking community living options.
These four organizations include:
Community Outreach Program for the Deaf (COPD) as the founding agency of the other three agencies is located in the Tucson area with services throughout Arizona. COPD provides specific services to persons who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or DeafBlind and with a number of different services to include counseling, case management, services for persons who are DeafBlind, information on technology and hearing aid devices, vocational services and communication access.
Valley Center of the Deaf (VCD) is located in the Phoenix area with services in the Maricopa area and other areas as requested. VCD provides services to Deaf, Hard of Hearing or DeafBlind with vocational services, independent living skill development, information of technology and communication access.
Community Outreach Program for the Deaf: New Mexico is located in the Albuquerque area with services throughout the state of New Mexico. Primary services include communication access, vocational services, case management and skill development.
Community Living Program (CLP) is located in the Tucson area with services throughout Pima County. CLP provides community living options for persons who need assistance to live independently. With a contract through the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) all persons must meet the eligibility of this state system. Services include 24 hour support and living options with in-home support, residential care, apartment living, group home living and temporary assistance for home care available,"