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CBDDC Childhood Neurodevelopmental Disability Center – Cockeysville MD
Comprehensive Neurodevelopmental Evaluation
These visits usually last 2 hours, but can take as long as you need. I begin by asking questions about your child's history developmentally, behaviorally, socially and academically. Then, based on the concerns you present, I will have your child complete a variety of tests, and may have you complete questionairres or screening check-lists.
Ongoing Developmental Follow-Up
After the initial evaluation, we will make a collaborative decision regarding the frequency of follow-up.
IFSP/IEP Consultations
If your child has already undergone the IFSP/IEP process through your school system, I will review the assessments, goals and recommendations on a regular basis.
Parent Training (Group or Individual)
Many children with developmental disabilities have significant behavioral challenges. Often these difficulties are the first clue to a family that something is out of the ordinary. Using developmentally appropriate techniques, I can coach a family to improve the child's behavior. In addition, I plan to offer general group parent training/discipline courses on a regular basis.
Diagnosis Confirmation
As a parent, I understand the need to investigate every possible avenue when seeking care for our children. If you have had an evaluation elsewhere, but are still questioning the diagnosis or treatment recommendations, I can offer a second (or third or fourth) opinion and help guide you through that maze.
Medication Management
Because neurodevelopmental disabilities are, by definition, neurologically based, there are times when a child may require medication to augment the other interventions they are receiving and optimize their progress.