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Cedar Fire Farms Kamp Kessa – Kentucky
Equine Therapeutic Riding program is available to people with and without disabilities. At the Kamp Kessa week-long intensive challenge learning camps, horses and the wilderness have been combined with a nationally acclaimed approach to teaching social skills.
Sheltered Risks Inc. an Equine Therapeutic Riding Program at Kamp KESSA, was founded in 2000 and has served over 2500 children and families at risk. Research has documented (see references below) that Equine Facilitated Mental Health is extremely effective in the treatment of children, youth, adults, and families with issues from emotional and physical trauma, to ADHD to Autism, to anxiety, high blood pressure, grief, neglect, to relationship attachment issues.
Kamp KESSA Youth Centered Camps & Programs offers an Environmental and Horse experience! for your class, your family, your club, your church or social group. Experience trail hiking, Kamana Wilderness education, campfire lunches, story telling, agriculture education, initiative games, partnering with a horse, music, learning, and laughter. Call for reservation: 502-376-4367 today. You can stay a day or a weekend, it'll change your life.
Youth Centered Camps & Programs:–programs.html