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Center for Disability Studies – University of DE – Delaware Learning Resource System
The DLRS is a statewide network of Centers that provide resources and services to help educate children, particularly those with special education needs. The DLRS has three instructional materials centers, one in each of Delaware’s counties. And it publishes the Spotlight on Education newsletter. The materials in each Center are available for loan at no cost to the borrower. You need to register at the Center before checking out materials. Materials circulate for a one or two week period.
A computerized catalog lists the materials in the Center and staff will help you use it. Items from other Centers may be borrowed by requesting them from your local Center.
The state collection consists of over 25,000 books, VHS videotapes, audiocassettes, filmstrips, blackline masters, manipulatives, games, and computer software.
Directions to the Delaware Assistive Technology Initiative (DATI)’s three Assistive Technology Resource Centers (ATRC):
New Castle County
(same location as DATI Central Administrative Site)***
Kent County Sussex County
(same location as DATI Georgetown Administrative Site)
***New location for New Castle County
ATRC and DATI Central Administrative Site
Center for Disabilities Studies
University of Delaware
461 Wyoming Road
Newark, DE 19716
302-831-0354 (Voice)
800- 870-DATI (3284)
(Voice/TTY) 302-831-4690