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Center for Excellence in Disability Education, Research, and Service – The University of Montana Rural Institute
Since 1979, the Rural Institute, Montana’s Center of Excellence in Disabilities, has sought to enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities, especially those individuals living in Montana and other rural areas across the country. Our objective is to increase the independence, productivity, community integration, and inclusion of those with disabilities through education, research, and demonstration services. As part of the national network of University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDDs), we share a vision that foresees a nation in which all Americans, including Americans with disabilities, participate fully in their communities. We employ nine faculty and over 50 staff members who are currently working on 30+ projects that cover a broad range of disability related topics which include: Assistive Technology; Family and Consumer Involvement; Health Promotion; Health Maintenance; Hearing Conservation; Inclusion; Independent Living; Personnel Preparation; Rural Rehabilitation; Self-employment; Social Security Incentives; Supported Employment; Transition from school to adult life.