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Center for Law and Education (CLE)
As its mission, the Center for Law and Education (CLE) strives to make the right of all students to quality education a reality throughout the nation and to help enable communities to address their own public education problems effectively, with an emphasis on assistance to low-income students and communities.
Forms of Assistance – The Center for Law and Education (CLE) possesses the capacity to help a wide range of people – educators, policy makers, program administrators, parents, students, and advocates – with very high-quality work (drawing on both our educational and our legal expertise) of a variety of kinds:
- Writing in varied genres
- Policy and program analysis
- Program design
Both short-term and ongoing technical assistance and consulting, on program implementation and resolving problems
- Training
- Speaking
- Advocating
CLE has used the above-referenced forms of assistance, at local, state, and national levels, in pursuit of high-quality education for all children across a range of topics where we have substantial knowledge and experience, including for example:
- Standards-based reform
- School accountability
- High-quality programming for students with disabilities
- Title I
- High school restructuring
- Career and technical education
- Student assessment
- Parent involvement
- Civil rights implementation
General Description of Capacity (PDF)
MA Legal Assistance – CLE’s Boston office receives limited MA funding to provide targeted advocacy to challenge systemic statewide issues impeding low-income students from attaining the high academic content and achievement standards set for all students.
Pro Bono Education Law Project provides representation to low-income students throughout MA who are being excluded from public schools through disciplinary exclusion or as a result of an ineffective/inadequate education.
School-Level and Districtwide Advocacy Efforts CLE has been working with families and educators at several schools in Boston, using the requirements of Title I as a tool to bring about school-level change. CLE's Family School-Level Change Initiative seeks to make schools accountable to families, students, and other members of the school community for providing a high-quality education to every child.
Legislative and Administrative Advocacy CLE comments and testimony pertaining to MA proposed policies, regulations, and statutes.
Tools for Reform CLE developed tools and presentations for parents, advocates, students, legislators and lawyers in advocating, organizing and litigating for a high quality education for all children.
Pleadings and Memoranda Legal Documents, including administrative and judicial complaints and memoranda, briefs, pertinent memoranda on varied legal matters pertinent to effective representation of student-clients. Many of these materials pertain to MA.
Boston Office Location:
Center for Law and Education
99 Chauncy St, Suite 700
Boston, MA 02111
Voice: (617) 451-0855
Fax: (617) 451-1167
CLE Central Office: