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Center for Rural Health
The Center for Rural Health is one of the nation’s most experienced organizations committed to providing leadership in rural health. Our mission is to serve the people of the state, region and nation. The Center serves as a resource to researchers, educators, policymakers and health care providers across the state of North Dakota and the nation. Activities are targeted toward identifying and researching rural health issues, analyzing health policy, strengthening local capabilities, developing community-based alternatives, and advocating for rural concerns.
The Center for Rural Health was established in 1980. Since then we have developed a full complement of programs to assist researchers, educators, policymakers, health care providers, and most importantly rural residents.
The Center for Rural Health serves as a focal point for rural health in North Dakota. As the federally designated State Office of Rural Health for the state, the Center connects the School of Medicine and Health Sciences and the university to rural communities and their health institutions to facilitate developing and maintaining rural health delivery systems. In this capacity the Center works both at a national level and at state and community levels.