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Central Aroostook ARC (Association of Retarded Citizens) – MAINE
The Central Aroostook ARC wide range of services to people of all ages. To this day, a committed Board of Directors guides Central Aroostook ARC.
Fifty-one percent of the Directors are parents or siblings of the people in our programs. We could not exist without the support of our local communities, the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, the United Way of Aroostook and other charitable organizations, the Department of Education and the Aroostook County Commissioners.
Central Aroostook Arc's Children Supports Program
Central Aroostook Arc’s Children Supports Program has been developed to provide support and assistance for children who have cognitive impairments and functional limitations. The program includes services to families with children who reside in Aroostook County under the age of 21. The program works with children in their homes and approved community settings to enhance the child's independence in social development, physical development, personal safety and functional life skills to include activities of daily living.
Adult Services: Central Aroostook ARC offers a variety of day program services for adults with developmental disabilities. These individualized programs can include either center based or community based activities. This program offers activities to promote self-maintenance, physical fitness, self motivation, social skills, behavioral skills, safety, and problem solving. Physical, occupational and speech therapy carry over is available for individuals who need that service. The program also promotes the integration of developmental skills necessary for semi or independent daily living. Central Aroostook ARC offers individualized programs designed to increase independence, improve independent functioning and independent living. The community based programs offer a variety of community inclusion activities for the individuals we serve in the adult programs.