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Central Nebraska Community Services
"We are a community action agency that was created in 1965 as a result of President Johnson’s Economic Opportunity Act. CNCS specializes in bringing resources totaling more than $11.6 million into the 22,985 square miles of our service area. CNCS addresses the needs of 15,000 unduplicated persons in North Central Nebraska through our programs and services. Our vision includes:
Empowering individuals and families while guiding them in the process to become self sufficient and experience an improved quality of life.
This process includes enriching relationships, communities and partnerships to further secure resources and collaborate for efficient and effective utilization of all resources for optimum service delivery and positive life changes.
Partnerships with other resources help us lengthen our reach, fill service gaps & break down barriers to achieve our ultimate goal of ending poverty.
Working with the communities we serve, Central Nebraska Community Services is a trusted catalyst for meaningful and lasting change that improves the lives of people.
Programs and services we offer
* Community Economic Development – Community Economic Development provides economic growth opportunities, job creations, and affordable living environments for families in rural communities.
* Early Childhood programs – The Early Childhood programs promote children’s physical, social, emotional and cognitive development while assisting the entire family in their efforts to reach economic self-sufficiency.
* Family Outreach – Family Outreach provides assistance during crisis, linkage to resources, advocacy for services, financial counseling, and goal attainment.
* Health & Nutrition – Health and Nutrition fosters the healthy lifestyles of Central Nebraskans through health promotion, prevention, and -.
Some of the services we offer include:
* Car Seat Program
* Commodity Supplemental Food Program
* Community Assessment
* Community Housing Development
* Emergency Assistance
* Every Woman Matters
* Head Start/Early Head Start
* HOPE Case Management Immunizations
* Project THRIVES (Transitional Housing for Rural Independence, Viability and Economic Stability)
* Weatherization Assistance
* WIC (Women, Infants & Children)
119 N Main
Ainsworth, NE 69210
Broken Bow
924 E SE Street
Broken Bow, NE 68822
Central City
715 16th Street
Central City, NE 68826
3286 53rd Ave
Columbus, NE 68601
Grand Island
2525 W Lincoln Hwy
Grand Island, NE 68803
202 S 10th
O’Neill, NE 68763