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Cerebral Palsy Associations of New York State
CP of NYS was founded in 1946 by parents of children with cerebral palsy seeking services who envisioned the organization to be their advocate. Today it is a multi-service organization with 24 Affiliates and 18,000 employees providing support, services and programs for over 100,000 individuals with cerebral palsy and developmental disabilities and their families. Through our Metropolitan Services, we offer support to individuals with an array of disabilities in all five Boroughs of New York City. Find out more about CP of NYS in our Publications section.
Our Affiliates provide a wide variety of programs, including community living opportunities, Day Habilitation and Day Treatment programs, Early Intervention, Preschool and School Age Special Education, and a variety of Family Support Services which help thousands of families care for a loved one with a disability. Find Services
Through our Metropolitan Services, we offer Residential, Clinic, Day Program and other services in all five Boroughs of New York City.
Central Office and Metropolitan Services,
CP of NYS, Inc.
330 West 34th Street, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10001-2488
(212) 947-5770