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Cerebral Palsy K.I.D.S. Center – Kentucky
The Cerebral Palsy K.I.D.S Center for Pediatric Therapies is a multidisciplinary Treatment Center for children with developmental delays and/or disabilities. We serve infants through young adults up to the age of twenty-one with a special emphasis on the needs of children from birth to five years old. Any child is eligible experiencing developmental delay may be evaluated for services. A child does not have to be diagnosed with cerebral palsy to receive our care and we do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, or any other reason.
Outpatient treatment facility that offers physical, occupational and speech therapy services; community referral and resource information; parent/guardian support group; family support, activities and education; orthopedic clinic; wheelchair and seating assessments; casting and splinting ; therapeutic horseback riding programs; sensory motor gym; pediatric therapy equipment; and a physical fitness gym.
The mission of the Cerebral Palsy K.I.D.S. Center is two-fold. First is to involve, in a meaningful way, children with cerebral palsy and other developmental needs and members of their families in the mainstream of society, thus ensuring their ability to assume their rights as equal citizens. Second is to ensure their ability to receive services as needed to minimize the effects of their disability. Many special programs and equipment are available at the Kids Center to serve our clients. An interactive team approach is used by the therapists to meet the multiple needs of the children.
An Example of our Service:
The Augmentative Communication Lab which is designed with the needs of the nonverbal child in mind. The lab is equipped with specialized computers and augmentative communication devices.
The Casting-Adaptive Equipment Lab provides individualized equipment to help in the treatment of children by: casting and splinting by physical and occupational therapists as prescribed by a physician. Creating custom adaptive equipment and other positioning devices. Services also include
The Sensory Motor Gym which is equipped with movement equipment and Snoezlen activities. The Physical Fitness Gym. The Interactive Metronome is a program shown to improve attention, coordination and timing in children with a wide variety of cognitive and physical challenged.
The Therapeutic Listening Program uses sound training in combination with sensory integrative techniques which emphasize vestibular stimulation and postural movement strategies. When incorporated into a sensory integrative treatment approach, by a specially trained occupational therapist, changes are typically observed in sensory modulation, attention, and behavioral organization through a reduction in sensory defensiveness and a smoothing out of mood variances and arousal states.