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Chadron Community Hospital & Health Services
"Provides & supports health care & community service programs of excellence in the communities we serve.
Chadron community Hospital Home Health Services provide professional health care to patients at home. Home health teams deliver a full range of health care to the patient, as directed by the patient's physician. The Home Health professionals bring more than nursing care and therapy. They bring friendship, caring, education, knowledge and security. Home health care is best suited for individuals who need periodic health care, but do not require around-the-clock supervision.
Home Health Services include:
Post-surgical visits (dressing changes, wound care)
Administration of medication, injections, parenterol and general feedings, transfusions and IV chemotherapy.
Monitoring of cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary status
Home environment and mental status assessment
Instructors and information on diabetes, hypertension, heart attacks, ostomy care.
Family instruction on patient care.
Laboratory specimens (drawing blood, urine specimens)
Nutritional instruction
Physical therapy
Personal care
Rehabilitation Services of Chadron Community Hospital offers a wide variety of programs to meet our patients needs. We see patient throughout the life span ranging from pediatric to geriatric. Our department offers treatment related to back and neck injury/pain, injuries to the extremities, post-surgical problems, sports injuries, work injuries, female health problems, deconditioning, neurological problems related to ageing and a variety of other health issues. We also have aquatic therapy available. All operations are based out of Chadron Community Hospital. We also have a satellite clinic in nearby Crawford, NE. Services are provided by physical and occupational therapists as well as through athletic training. Speech language pathology services are provided as needed through an arrangement with Regional West Medical Center of Scottsbluff, NE."