Charlottesville Area Riding Therapy (C.A.R.T.)

Address: 5924 Fried Farm Road
Crozet, VA 22932
Phone: (434) 823-1178 Fax: (434) 8236688 Website:


"C.A.R.T. (Charlottesville Area Riding Therapy) is a non-profit organization devoted to bringing therapeutic recreational horseback riding to children and adults with disabilities in the Charlottesville Area.  Therapy disguised as fun. 
Mounted on horseback, a person with a disability can actually feel what their muscles should be doing if they were walking soundly on two legs. The horse's walk and trot match the human stride, communicating that motion to the rider's own uncertain muscles, nerves and brain.  Children and adults with a range of special needs, including autism, mentally challenged, cerebral palsy, ADHD, stroke, muscular, neural and physical disorders, have been shown to benefit from riding therapy."

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