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Charter School, Benton Harbor (MI)
Benton Harbor Charter School Academy uses the Kent County Curriculum Crafter Tool for aligning the State standards to the local curriculum documents. Professional Learning Community teams (which are grade level teams) meet once a week to discuss curriculum, instruction and assessments. Staff develop an assessment schedule for progress monitoring of student achievement a minimum of 3 times a year. Classes focus on mastery of Michigan Grade Level Equivalent Standards.
Benton Harbor Charter School is a tuition-free public school with grades K-8. Benton Harbor Charter School is an educational community that teaches each child as an individual. The classes are small, so the teacher has the chance to work one-on-one with the students. Discipline is strict, so parents know children learn in a safe environment. The academic standards are set high, so children can feel the challenge to reach their highest potential. Character development is a central part of the educational experience to prepare children for active, thoughtful, and caring participation in the world around them.
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Benton Harbor Charter School will use a Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses Process for the determination of a Specific Learning Disability for all buildings and all grades in the district.