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Child and Family Center, Prospect
Since the 1950′s, Prospect Child & Family Center has been a leader in improving the lives of individuals with disabilities. The Center began when parents and concerned professionals recognized the need to enlighten the public about their children with disabilities and to provide quality services for them within the community. Now nearly 60 years later, because of the programs we offer as well as changing attitudes, people with disabilities have become our co-workers, club and church members, neighbors and friends. Each new year has brought an added awareness; each new year has brought us closer to providing a world of opportunity for people with special needs.
Mission Statement:
We have a commitment…to provide sensitive, accessible and comprehensive services to individuals with disabilities and their families to promote independence, inclusion and an enhanced quality of life.
We believe…that we are a community leader in advancing the status of individuals with disabilities through advocacy, education and innovation.
that all individuals have a right to meaningful, appropriate educational and social opportunities alongside their non-disabled peers.
that our consumers have the right and ability to shape their own futures through effective advocacy.
that we must attract, retain and develop a highly skilled workforce committed to assisting our consumers in achieving their highest potential.
that we must conduct our business in a fiscally sound manner to ensure the continued integrity, existence and growth of our organization.
Services Offered:
Adult Services- Group Day Habilitation, Residential Living
Autism Specialty Services- Support Services to Children:
Aquatic Therapy, Multi-Sensory Music Room, Observation booths with one-way mirrors in the classrooms, School Psychologists working directly in the classrooms supporting the child.
Autism Specialty Services – Support Services to Families:
Family inclusion in parent meetings, in-services, workshops, parent education and home visits.
Incorporating the TEACCH approach within the home setting with home visits by school psychologists and classroom teachers.
Consulting Psychiatrist, Pediatrician, and Pediatric Neurologist on staff.
In-home and in-center respite.
Service coordination (case management).
Autism Specialty Services- Support Services to Staff:
Workshops and in-services based on a behavioral model provided by SUNY Albany’s Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD).
Workshops and in-services addressing the biological basis of autism and treatment modalities provided by our own school psychology staff.
Prospect is a training site for the NYS Education Department’s mandatory certification curriculum in autism for teachers and administrators.
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information: