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Child Development Centers – Greenville County Schools
A Brief History of the Network of Child Development/Family Learning Centers
Overbrook Child Development and Family Learning Center – Est. 1972 – This center has a long history of successfully serving preschool children from throughout the county and was designated as Palmetto’s Finest in 1995
Golden Strip Child Development and Family Learning Center – Est. 1996 – Six classrooms of 4K were added to the Center for Community Services, a multi-service human resource agency located in the old Bryson Elementary school building. The addition of the early childhood programs, parent resource center and family literacy GED program expanded the center’s visibility and opportunities for collaboration. Unfortunately funding for the GED program was lost in 2009. In 2004, all 4K classes became full day. Today the Golden Strip CDC is located in a specially designed early childhood facility, which opened in 2005 next door to Bryson Elementary.
Northwest Child Developmenst and Family Learning Center – Est. 1998 – Furman University invited the School District, Greenville Hospital Center and United Way’s Success By 6 to jointly apply for a Duke Endowment grant to serve young children and families in the Northwest Crescent area surrounding the Berea community and Furman’s campus. The center began in the old Berea Elementary building and moved a year later into a larger facility at the former Arrington Elementary site. The center 120 4K students in 6 full-day sessions and houses Head Start, Child Care Outreach, Greenville Literacy Association, Senior Action, Parents As Teachers (PAT), preschool special education, a parent resource center, ESOL, family literacy, and child care for parents attending classes. The addition of medical services from health agencies has enhanced the center success and development as a model for future efforts.
Dunbar Child Development and Family Learning Center – Est. 1999 – With resources supplemented by the employee charity of a local business partner, the 160 K4 students at Dunbar Child Development/ Family Learning Center are offered full day preschool education from 8:00 – 2:30. Other services include 2 Head Start programs, Childcare Outreach, family literacy, preschool special education, and parent education (PAT and workshops). 2000 Riley Child Development and Family Learning Center – With the receipt of the state’s first Level II First Steps Grant, the county partnership is beginning a sixth early childhood center in the southern part of the county. The 8 full day 4-K classes began in 2000. This Center will also house parent education, family literacy, and multiple agency partners. The new center was completed in the Spring of 2004.
Riley Child Development and Family Learning Center – Est. 2000 – This center is the result of a collaboration between Greenville County First Steps and Greenville County Schools. Greenville County First Steps secured funding from the John I. Smith Foundation, Greenville County Redevelopment Authority, the Symmes Foundation, the Jolly Foundation and the United Way of Greenville County which enabled the project to begin. The Riley Center, located on the site of the former Ellen Woodside building, was originally scheduled to be a renovation of the existing Ellen Woodside building. However, due to a change in the International Building Codes it became more cost effective to build an entirely new facility. The 6 full day 4-K classes began in 2000. This Center will also house parent education, family literacy, and multiple agency partners. The new center was completed in the Spring of 2004.
Greenview Child Development Center -Est. 2009 – The sixth child development center opened in 2009 with the support of the Greenville County School District. The totally renovated Greenview Elementary school serves as the home of Greenview Child Development Center. Greenview CDC includes 4k and preschool special education programs. It is also the site for initial eligibility evaluations for preschool special education.
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