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Child & Family Resources, Inc
"We offer more than 30 programs across the state and touch thousands of families in so many different ways. Research shows ninety-percent of a child's brain develops in the first three years of life.
A majority of those children spend a portion of their day in some form of child care. Excellent child care and education is critical to the health and well being of the child.
One of our most popular programs is Child Care Resource & Referral, where parents can call and get a list of child care centers best suited for their child. CFR offers child care training and support programs to child care providers including workshops, technical assistance, and the latest research on how best to care, nurture and support the positive growth and development of young children.
Investment in quality early childhood care and education saves money by increasing the likelihood that children will be literate, employed, enrolled in post secondary education, and less likely to be school dropouts, dependent on welfare or arrested for criminal activity.
Through our Center for Adolescent Parents, teen mothers can earn their GED while receiving free, on-site child care. For fathers, we offer workshops focusing on career development, raising children, and building a strong family. Our afterschool programs and summer camps are top-notch.
Our programs build resilient children and families. Being a parent presents special challenges and joys. Unfortunately some parents are faced with even harder challenges such as having a child with developmental disabilities, living in poverty, or not being able to provide basic needs for their children.
For some parents, their past is so painful that they hide behind walls of substance abuse and family violence. These families can benefit from home-based support services to move past these circumstances, learn new coping and parenting skills, and change generation patterns of abuse and neglect. "