Child Neurology Foundation – Minneapolis MN

Address: 201 Chicago Avenue, #200
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: (877) 263-5430 Website:

The Child Neurology Foundation is the outreach arm of the Child Neurology Society, providing information, education, and advocacy for child neurologists and other medical professionals—and for patients, parents, and member groups dealing with an array of neurologic conditions.
The Foundation’s mission is:  Advocate for children and adolescents with neurologic and developmental disorders
Fund neurologic research of young investigators Promote awareness of career opportunities in child neurology
Provide public, professional, and patient education programs
Support the activities and mission of the Child Neurology Society

Committed To:
– Advocacy for children and adolescents with neurological and developmental disorders
– Support of Research awards to young investigators
– Promotion of career opportunities in the field of child neurology
– Educational programs for neurologists, pediatricians, nurses, and the community

Launching of the new Child Neuro Net – A website acting as a single portal to neurologist vetted information for parents and families of children with neurologic disorders.This unique website will provide – in understandable language for the patient and their families – easy access to trustworthy and professional medical information, scientific medical research, neurology news, educational resources, advocacy groups, disease specific websites, hi-tech tools to help manage the children’s lives, and a voice to progress child neurology public policy issues.


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