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Children’s Center for Communication, Beverly School for the Deaf
The Children's Center for Communication specializes in meeting the academic and therapeutic needs of children with unique developmental and communication challenges. CCC has formally grown into its own program and educates a diverse population of children with autism and related disorders. CCC’s highly skilled faculty work hard to individualize an approach to meet each child’s learning style and development needs. Our students may come to us with a diagnosis of Autism, Cerebral Palsy, MR, Down Syndrome, or other learning or communication disabilities.
BSD continues to remain a strong academic and language-rich program open to all children, from preschool to high school, with any degree of hearing loss. Our students on campus and in the community are diverse and have individual needs. These are supported by various approaches and accommodations including: ASL, oral language, cochlear implants, FM systems, hearing aids, lip-reading, and additional systems, which assist with learning and development. We continue to focus on developing Deaf/HH children to become well rounded academically, socially, vocationally, and throughout all aspects of their communication. Grades Served: Pre-K – 12