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Children’s Clinics for Rehabilitative Services
"Children’s Clinics has a full range of pediatric specialty doctors available to serve children from birth to age 21. Through a unique partnership, specialists from community practices and University Physicians Healthcare (UPH) have appointments available on-site at the Children’s Clinics. This ensures that the best pediatric care in the community is available in one location. Specialty services are integrated with Primary Care and Therapy to provide seemless care coordination for children with complex needs. Families receiving care through our Primary Care and Therapy departments have access to these pediatric specialists. Children’s Clinics is also the Southern Arizona provider from the state Children’s Rehabilitative Service (CRS) Program.
Our specialty physicians are supported by a comprehensive team of professionals, including Child Life, Nutritionist and Patient and Family Services.
Pediatric Sub-specialties
Pediatric sub-specialties available at Children’s Clinics include:
Pediatric Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Dental and Orthodontia
Multidisciplinary Clinics
Multidisciplinary Clinics coordinate most of the special and ancillary services your child may need in one visit. This is not only convenient for our families, but also allows all professionals to consult and develop an optimal plan of care. This coordination cannot be found anywhere else in Tucson.
The Multidisciplinary Clinics providing this team approach are:
Cerebral Palsy | Neurocutaneous Clinic | Neuromuscular Clinic
Cleft Lip/Palate- Orofacial Review Team | Oral Maxillary Team | Spina Bifida – Child
Spina Bifida – Teen | Sickle Cell Clinic
Cerebral Palsy
The Cerebral Palsy Clinic is specifically for children with central nervous system impairments. The major objective of the clinic is to assess child’s current level of function and to make recommendations for care that will improve or maintain the child’s freedom of movement and functional abilities. Children are seen annually but could be scheduled more frequently based on individual needs. Referrals to other specialties, such as Neurology and Orthopedics are made based on need.
Team members include:
Child Life
Education Specialist
Occupational Therapist
Physical Therapist
Medical Social Worker
Nurse Coordinator
Neurocutaneous Clinic
The Neurocutaneous Multispecialty Clinic provides services for children with a collective group of congenital neurological disorders. The most common types of neurocutaneous syndromes are Neurofibromatosis (NF), Tuberous Sclerosis and Sturge-Weber Syndrome. Patients are seen yearly by each of the team members in this half-day clinic. Follow-up appointments with other providers are determined based on individual needs.
Team Members Include:
Education Specialist
Genetic Counselor
Medical Social Worker
Nurse Coordinator
Neuromuscular Clinic
The Neuromuscular Multispecialty Clinic offers services for diagnoses including, but not limited to, Muscular Dystrophy, Myotonic Dystrophy, Spinal Muscular Atrophy and Charcot Marie Tooth disease. Most patients are seen annually by each team member in this half-day clinic. Follow-up appointments with other specialty providers are determined based on individual needs
Team Members Include:
Education Specialist
Genetic Counselor
Physical Therapist
Medical Social Worker
Nurse Coordinator
Cleft Lip/Palate- Orofacial Review Team
The Orofacial Review team meets monthly to review records of children at various age milestones to determine where the child is on the clinical care path outlined in Cleft Lip and Palate Guidelines. After the review referrals are made to specialty clinics needed to remain current with treatment and a report is sent to the parent/guardian and primary care physician.
Team Members Include:
Speech Therapist
Plastic Surgery
Medical Social Worker
Nurse Coordinator
Oral Maxillary Team
The Oral Maxillary Team provides dental, orthodontia, and oral surgery evaluations for children with Orofacial problems- mainly cleft palates, malocclusion, requiring dental care. This team meets monthly to assess readiness for bone grafting, dental restoration, and orthodontia.
Team Members Include:
Two Orthodontists
Oral Surgeon
Medical Social Worker
Nurse Coordinator
Spina Bifida – Child
The Spina Bifida Child Clinic serves children from birth to age 12 years with neural tube defects. The team strives to coordinate care for the complex medical needs of these children as well as to provide education, support and advocacy for their families. Patients are seen yearly by each of the services in this half-day clinic. Follow-up appointments in other specialty clinics may be made based on individual needs. Children older than 12 are part of the Teen clinic.
Team Members Include:
Orthopedic Surgeon
Developmental Pediatrician
Physical Therapist
Education Specialist
Medical Social Worker
Nurse Coordinator
Child Life
Spina Bifida – Teen
The Spina Bifida Teen Clinic serves individuals age 13 to 21 years who were born with neural tube defects. Particular emphasis is placed on the concerns and needs of adolescents and young adults such as transportation, vocational goals, sexuality, and transition to personal independence. Patients are seen yearly by team members. Patients and families are encouraged to interact with peers over coffee and snacks before and after clinic. Referrals with individual specialists not attending clinic are made on an as needed basis.
Team Members include:
Developmental Pediatrician
Orthopedic Surgeon
Genetic Counselor
Physical Therapist
Education Specialist
Medical Social Worker
Nurse Coordinator
Sickle Cell Clinic
Sickle Cell disease is an inherited blood disorder affecting red blood cells. The Sickle Cell Clinic is held six times a year to evaluate new patients and assess status of established patients. Because of the many complications that could occur, health maintenance of these children should start at birth. Sickle Cell Guidelines are used to manage on-going care and in the development of care plans. Referrals are made to other specialists as needed.
Team Members Include:
Education Specialist
Genetic Counselor
Medical Social Worker
Nurse Coordinator