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Children’s Neurobiological Solutions Foundation (CNS)
Children’s Neurobiological Solutions Foundation (CNS) is dedicated to finding treatments and cures for pediatric brain disorders, which affect more than 14 million children in the United States, alone.
What We Do
Help catalyze the development of brain repair therapies and cures by supporting cutting-edge, collaborative research on neurological damage due to childhood illness, injury and other causes;
Provide up-to-date information and resources to families and health care providers to help them make the best possible decisions for children struggling with neurological challenges;
Empower special-needs families to support one another and advance the field of pediatric neurology by joining our nationwide network of Parent Action Committees; members engage in grassroots fundraising and advocacy while offering each other guidance and support.
The Problem
There are more than 600 disorders that afflict children’s nervous systems. While autism, cerebral palsy and down syndrome are some of the most well-known, there are a myriad of rare or undiagnosed diseases.
Of these 600 disorders, the causes of more than 90 percent are unknown. For the majority, there are no cures.
The United States spends more than half a trillion dollars annually on health care expenses and lost productivity related to neurological disorders.
Neurological research has historically focused on symptoms, prevention and early intervention, while efforts to initiate brain repair have received little funding or attention.
The Solution
CNS funds and facilitates scientific research that focuses on making brain repair and regeneration a reality. Unlike many nonprofits, we are not focused on a specific condition; it is our goal to help scientists find the tools to treat and cure all childhood neurological disorders.
(866) 267-5580