Children’s Rehabilitation Services

Address: 602 S. Lawrence St.
Montgomery, AL 36104
Phone: 334-293-7500 Fax: 334-293-7383 Email: NO EMAIL Website:

The mission of Children’s Rehabilitation Service is to enable children and youth with special health care needs and adults with hemophilia to achieve their maximum potential within a community-based, culturally competent, family-centered, comprehensive, coordinated system of services. Clinical Medical Program CRS provides medical and rehabilitative services through CRS clinics.

Care is based on a treatment plan and delivered to clients with an eligible medical condition by way of a multidisciplinary team consisting of, as appropriate, physicians, discipline staff and clerical staff. Clinical Evaluation Program CRS, upon physician referral, provides specialized clinical evaluation services, including follow-up as appropriate, through multidisciplinary teams.
Specialized evaluation clinics include
Augmentative Communication/Technology (ACT) Clinic
Feeding Clinic

Hearing Aid Clinic
Hearing Assessment Clinic
Teen Transition Clinic
Seating Positioning and Mobility Clinic
Speech Pathology Clinic.

Visit our Web site for List of Office Locations and Map 

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?