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Children’s TherAplay – Indiana
The Children’s TherAplay Foundation is a not-for-profit pediatric outpatient clinic just north of Indianapolis that serves children with special needs. But that’s only the beginning of the story. Children’s TherAplay is one of the few clinics in the country dedicated to providing physical and occupational therapies on horseback. Our therapists combine a sensory-rich, child-centered clinic with hippotherapy – the movement of horses – to provide carefully graded motor, sensory, and neurological input.
When a horse’s movement is transferred to a patient through equine-assisted therapy, it produces a combination of sensory, motor and neurological input that we use to treat a wide variety of diagnoses. These include, but are not limited to:
• Autism
• Cerebral Vascular Accident (Stroke)
• Cerebral Palsy and PVL
• Traumatic Brain Injury
• Down Syndrome
• Developmental Delay
• Sensory Integrative Dysfunction
• Spinal Cord Injuries
• Attention Deficit
• Genetic Disorders
The list above is certainly not comprehensive. Any child who is in need of physical and/or occupational therapy may be appropriate to receive therapy at Children’s TherAplay.
One-on-one treatments
Each child’s sessions are designed to achieve individual therapeutic goals, which are determined by the Children’s TherAplay treatment team in conjunction with the patient and their family. Sessions are one-on-one and utilize the treatment tools in our child-friendly clinic as well as the horse as a tool. Safe and effective therapy The Children’s TherAplay therapy horses are carefully chosen for their temperament and the type of movement they produce. All are specifically trained for their unique role within therapy sessions and are guided by professional horse handlers, and when appropriate, an additional side-walker for assistance, to optimize safety and effectiveness.