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Chippewa Cree Medical Clinic
Clinical Division: The Clinical Director heads this department which is the hub of all ambulatory and outpatient services provided through the Rocky Boy Health Board. The physicians, nurses, optometrists, dentists, pharmacists, laboratory, and x-ray, quality assurance and the many specialty clinicians all play a major role in delivering health care to the people of Rocky Boy on a daily basis. With fully quality providers that include physicians, physician assistant, and nurse practitioners, the activity of the clinic is surrounded by effective support services. In addition, fully qualified Emergency Medical Technicians are available to respond to emergencies and transport patients to the local clinic or to the nearby Northern Montana Hospital. Recently, a diabetic program was initiated to include to address the escalating disease of diabetes and an intensive effort to prevent the progression of the disease. Nutritional education and counseling is available to individuals who require assistance in improving their general. This Division also oversees the efforts of Behavioral Health and Mental Health department which includes psychiatric counseling, mental health counseling, social work, and addressing the issues and treatment for chemical use, abuse, and dependency. This department is recognized as integral to building a community that is healthy and well. They work with schools, local colleges, law enforcement, courts, social service agencies, other providers, families, and individuals to provide the support and effort needed on the Rocky Boy Indian Reservation to maintain a safe and family-oriented tribal community that facilitates growth, security, and capability among the numerous talented individuals that make up our unique community. The Division Chief oversee the contract health services program, Patient Registration, Medical Records, Information Technology, Billing and Coding department and various state programs that provide access to alternate resources, such as women, infants, and children for full participation in a food coupon program that offers more than $250,000 per year issued by the WIC Program. The CHS program arranges appointments and transportation for eligible patients referred to other facilities Information of payment, eligibility, third party medical bills is also available through this department. In an emergency when the patient is not referred by a physician the emergency must be reported to the Contact Care Office or Executive Director within 72 hours of beginning of treatment. All other non-emergency treatment must be PRE-AUTHOERIZED. They perform all functions previously executed by the fiscal intermediary (FI), they oversee a full range of financial commitments for contract health services, submit for payments from the headquarters catastrophic fund, as well as maintain daily purchasing, stocking of supplies, and inventory.