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Cities Area Transit C.A.T. – East Grand Forks, MN
Areas Served: Grand Forks ND, East Grand Forks. MN
Cities Area Transit (CAT) is the public transportation provider for Grand Forks, NY and East Grand Forks, MN
Para transit Information:
Cities Area Transit
Attn: Para transit Coordinator
PO Box 5200
Grand Forks, ND 58201
ADA-Para transit is a transportation service provided to those who cannot, for physical or cognitive reasons, ride the City Bus system in Grand Forks, ND and East Grand Forks, MN.
Currently, the cities of Grand Forks and East Grand Forks contract with Grand Forks Taxi, to provide this service. Under this contract, the taxi company agrees to provide rides to only those who are eligible and have in their possession a valid ADA-Para transit user card.
The City of Grand Forks and East Grand Forks pay the companies for each taxi ride.
Currently, the average amount of rides given is 6,000 rides per month.
If you would like to apply for ADA-Para transit service you may call 701.746.8108 and ask for an application to be mailed to you. Applications are also available on the front page of this webpage. You can also receive an application at most clinics and Altru Hospital. Upon completion of the application, you can mail it to the address above.