City Of Bridgeport-Office for Persons with Disabilities

Address: 752 East Main Street, 2nd Floor
Bridgeport, CT 06608
Phone: (203) 576-7452 Fax: (203) 332-5635 Email: Website:

Our mission is to provide information on issues, rights, and programs for persons with any disability, their families and the community.  The office empowers persons to advocate for themselves, to assist with direct advocacy support, when necessary, and to ultimately achieve the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in the community. Our objectives include providing information and referral for persons with disabilities and their families, providing advocacy, protective and safeguarding services for persons with disabilities to help insure their rights are protected and to prevent abuse, neglect and/or exploitation, and providing community outreach and education to community groups, agency personnel and disability support groups.

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?