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Clarks Point School – Clarks Point ALASKA
Clarks Point School is part of the Southwest Region School District. Clarks Point is located on a spit on the northeastern shore of Nushagak Bay, 15 miles from Dillingham and 337 miles southwest of Anchorage. The Southwest Region School District is committed to all students receiving an education that continuously affirms human diversity, that validates the history and culture of all ethnic groups, that is based on high expectation for academic success for every student, and that encourages students and parents active participation.
The community lies at approximately 58.844170° North Latitude and -158.55083° (West) Longitude. (Sec. 25, T015S, R056W,Seward Meridian.) Clarks Point is located in the Bristol Bay Recording District. The area encompasses 3.1 sq. miles of land and 0.9 sq. miles of water. Clarks Point is located in a climatic transition zone. The primary influence is maritime, although the arctic climate also affects the region. There is one school located in the community, attended by 17 students. Local hospitals or health clinics include Clarks Point Health Clinic (236-1232). Clarks Point is classified as an isolated village, it is found in EMS Region 2I in the Bristol Bay Region. Emergency Services have coastal and air access. Emergency service is provided by volunteers and a health aide Auxiliary health care is provided by Clarks Point First Responders (Clinic 236-1232).
Contact Information
Principal: Nate Crabtree
Secretary: Margaret Gardiner
Phone: (907) 236-1218
Fax: (907) 236-1285
Clarks Point School
P.O. Box 29
Clarks Point, AK 99569