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Client Assistance Program (CAP), Kansas
DRC operates eight federally authorized and funded protection and advocacy programs in Kansas. One of these programs is the Client Assistance Program (CAP).
The Client Assistance Program (CAP): was created by Section 112 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. This Act establishes and funds the vocational rehabilitation system for Americans with disabilities who want to work or who have independent living service needs. The CAP provides advocacy services, including administrative, legal and other remedies, to ensure the protection of the rights of persons receiving or seeking services under the Rehab Act (Vocational Rehabilitation services, Independent Living Center services, etc.). Kansas Rehabilitation Services (KRS) is the Vocational Rehabilitation service in Kansas.
Who is Eligible for CAP Services?
Persons who fall under these categories AND meet the criteria below may be eligible for services under the CAP program:
Kansas Rehabilitation Services clients and applicants
Consumers of Independent Living Centers
Projects With Industries (PWI) consumers
Individuals served by other programs funded under the Rehabilitation Act
Eligibility Requirements
You must have a physical or mental impairment and want to work.
Your impairment must result in a substantial impediment to employment.
You are presumed to be able to benefit in terms of an employment outcome.
You must need vocational rehabilitation services to prepare for, enter into, engage in, or retain gainful employment consistent with your strengths, abilities, capabilities, and informed choices.
CAP Services DRC Provides:
Information and Referral (including ADA Title I information)
Legal Representation
Your Rights in the Vocational Rehabilitation System
You have the right to:
Apply for services and benefits;
Have a decision made about your eligibility for services within 60 days of your application;
Receive quality, cost-effective services to help you meet your vocational and independent living goals;
Expect that all information about you will be kept confidential and used only for your rehabilitation program;
Work with your counselor or service provider to choose goals and services that fit your strengths, abilities, capabilities, and informed choice; and to take an active role in planning your Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE);
Participate in all decisions about any changes in your IPE;
Have access to aids and services, if needed, to assure effective communication regarding your case (i.e. Braille, large print, tape and sign language interpreters);
Request an administrative review or fair hearing if you are dissatisfied with KRS services. Contact the CAP to learn about the appeals process.
Under the CAP Program DRC Advocates Can…
Answer questions about issues involving vocational rehabilitation services, other services and programs funded under the Rehabilitation Act and the ADA.
Clarify the rules, regulations, and procedures regarding services and how they apply to your situation.
Advocate for your legal rights as a consumer, former consumer, or an applicant for services.
Provide assistance to you with any problem you may have with eligibility or your Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE).
Assist you in identifying problems and seeking solutions.
Advise and assist with the appeal process.
DRC Advocates Cannot…
Assist with Workers Compensation Cases.
Provide assistance with Social Security eligibility and appeals.
Advise you on Child Custody or Child in Need of Care cases.
Provide Criminal Representation.
Provide Civil Representation on matters that do not relate to the legal and civil rights of persons with disabilities.
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