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Coalitions of Montanans Concerned with Disabilities
CMCD is a statewide grassroots direct action organization made up of people concerned with disabilities. Our organizational values statement and mission statement are included immediately below: CMCD believes that people with disabilities have traditionally been systematically oppressed and excluded, both intentionally and unintentionally, from full and meaningful participation in society. CMCD rejects all such forms of oppression and exclusion. CMCD believes that people with disabilities, both individually and collectively, have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness through equal access to all aspects of society, and that people with disabilities should vigorously exercise, protect, and expand these rights. CMCD is an organization that works for social change for the benefit of people with disabilities; CMCD is not directly involved in the delivery of services to people with disabilities. CMCD is a direct action organization; activities and campaigns are generally conducted such that the least intrusive methods are used first; tactics will escalate in response to the level of resistance to change presented by the opposition. CMCD is a cross-disability organization. We believe that the most effective means to achieve significant social change for the community as a whole is through presenting a united front that reflects the entire spectrum of different types of people and disabilities. We also believe that in order for this to occur, strategic alliances with non-disability groups that hold similar values must be developed, maintained, and expanded. CMCD believes that people with disabilities should pursue and attain decision-making positions and positions of authority in society; CMCD will support such action by members who endorse and pursue the values and principles of CMCD, as expressed in the CMCD bylaws, mission statement, and organizational values statements, as well as the state platform. CMCD's values, goals, objectives, and principles will largely parallel those of the national disability rights movement, with due consideration to cultural and regional differences unique to Montana. All CMCD activities will be undertaken in a manner consistent with our belief in the principle of social change through non-violent means. CMCD will only pursue funding from sources that will not place requirements on such funding that are not consistent with CMCD's mission statement, values, and bylaws.