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Colorado League of Charter Schools
"The Colorado League of Charter Schools is a membership association. We serve and support 141 charter schools, free public schools of choice, in a way that benefits public education as a whole. The mission of the Colorado League of Charter Schools is to improve student achievement and expand choice among high quality public schools by serving and supporting Colorado's charter schools. The League's mission reflects a commitment to individual charter schools, as well as the overall charter school movement both in Colorado and across the nation.
The Colorado League of Charter Schools is a non-profit, membership organization dedicated to supporting the 174 charter schools in the state. The League is committed to helping these schools reach higher levels of student performance and overall success by providing information and resources, including technical support, advocacy, public relations assistance, and much more.
Membership with the League is open to all charter schools in Colorado. The League also provides guidance and technical assistance for developing charter school groups, such as charter application reviews, contract negotiations, and general start up support.
There are over 78,000 students attending the 174 charter schools in Colorado. This equals nearly 10% (9.88%) of total K-12 public school enrollment in the state."