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Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health
The mission of the Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health is to improve the respiratory health and cognitive development of children and to reduce their cancer risk by identifying environmental toxicants, genetic susceptibility factors, and conditions related to poverty that increase their risk of disease. In turn, our research results are used to educate parents, families, and health professionals and inform prevention strategies and public policy to reduce levels of harmful environmental toxicants.
The Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health conducts community-based research studies of mothers and newborns in the United States, China, and Poland. Our research examines the health effects of prenatal and early postnatal exposures to common urban pollutants, with the aim of preventing environmentally related disease in children. CCCEH applies its study findings to educating parents, physicians, health educators, and policy makers in an effort to improve prevention, clinical treatment, and environmental conditions community-wide.