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Columbus Public Schools Special Education Department
Columbus City Schools provides special education services to approximately 9,200 students with disabilities, or 16.7% of the district's population. Educational Services & Resources: (please visit our website for details):
Autism Spectrum – Autism is a complex developmental disability that causes problems with social interaction and communication.
Special Needs Preschool – CCS provides early intervention opportunities for children age three through five who have special needs.
Columbus Hearing Impaired Program C.H.I.P – meets the individual learning needs of hearing impaired children ages 0 – 21 in Central Ohio.
K-12 Home Instruction Program – A short-term basis with students receiving one hour of home instruction per school day.
Orthopedically Impaired Program – A quality educational program for pre-school through grade-12 students.
Transition Planning – Provides services for the transition from school to adult life, including career education and exploration.
Traumatic Brain Injury – Services for students who have acquired injury to the brain caused by external physical force or other medical conditions.
Special Olympics – provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports.
Special Needs Parent Mentoring Program & Resources – CCS has parents of children with special needs on staff to answer questions.
Visually Impaired Program – Provides services for children age three through graduation, or age 22 (whichever comes first)