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Communication Matters of South Florida, Inc.
Communication Matters of South Florida, Inc. located in Miami, Florida, specializes in the evaluation and treatment of pediatric speech and language disorders.Our pragmatic social language groups are designed to assist children with PDD, High Functioning Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, Nonverbal Learning Disorders, Semantic Pragmatic Language disorders, ADHD, and Social anxiety. These social groups allow children to learn and practice peer interaction skills in a safe, facilitative environment. The small groups are formed with a maximum of six children of similar age and language functioning plus one to two children with age appropriate language skills. These models assist in modeling appropriate language skills and social interaction.
The groups are led by a certified/licensed speech and language pathologist who facilitates the groups by scripting language, modeling behavior, and discussing social topics and situations during games and interactive activities. The groups meet in 6-8 week cycles for one hour and fifteen minutes per session.