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Community Services for Developmental Disabilities – Erie and Niagara Counties NEW YORK
Community Services for the Developmentally Disabled employs over 800 full-time and part-time staff who continually strive for excellence in care and service. We currently serve over 1,500 people in Erie and Niagara Counties, supporting partnerships throughout the region. Our Residential Program provides 31 homes in communities around Western New York including a Safe House and an Emergency Shelter for Developmentally Disabled individuals and their family.
As the leader in person centered care, we offer over 40 different programs to provide a full range of services to meet the personal, social, and vocational needs of individuals. Our programs and services consistently create solutions to meet the goals and fulfill the dreams of the people we serve. We offer unique programs. Together we can create an individualized plan from a variety of services that meet your specific needs and goals. If you wish to live independently in the community – or with your family; find a job, learn a skill, make a dream come true – we can assist by designing a personalized approach that make your dreams come true. Our Admissions Specialists can help you link to these and other flexible programs: Call (716) 883-8002.
Programs Include:
Parents and Youth Program – If you are a parent with a developmental disability or you care for children with developmental disabilities, our Parents and Youth Program is here for you. We specialize in meeting the unique needs of families like yours. We assist you in obtaining or maintaining public benefits like Medicaid, Temporary Assistance, SSI and SSD. We also link you to services, including habilitation services, residential services, day programs, respite, and counseling. We provide advocacy to your family during Family Court hearings and CSE (Committee on Special Education) meetings. In an effort to keep families together, we contract with the Erie County Department of Social Services to provide preventative services as an additional support.
Parenting Classes
Our Parenting Classes offer an exciting experience for Parents and soon-to-be Parents who may need assistance in their role as Mom or Dad
In-Home Services
Our Direct Support Professionals (DSP’s) work with you and your family in your home setting to address your needs, explore options, and develop a plan for success in a safe and familiar environment. For in-home services, contact us at (716) 883-8002.
Respite Care – With grants from the James H. Cummings Foundation and The Western New York Foundation, Community Services has been able to provide specialized areas and sensory equipment at our Genesee Day Habiliation location specifically for children that use our after school and Saturday respite programs.
If you or someone you know would benefit from our services, contact the Admissions Department at 883-8002.
Community Services Locations/Directions:
Community Services for Developmental Disabilities – Buffalo
180 Oak Street
Buffalo, NY 14203
Phone: (716) 883-8888
Fax: (716) 362-0720
Community Services for Developmental Disabilities – Lackawanna
1377 Abbott Road
Lackawanna, NY 14218
Phone: (716) 824-5555
Fax: (716) 824-1155
Community Services for Developmental Disabilities – Kenmore
1845 Kenmore Avenue
Kenmore, NY 14217
Phone: (716) 447-9999
Fax: (716) 447-9990
Community Services for Developmental Disabilities – Buffalo
2180 Genesee Street
Buffalo, NY 1421
Phone: (716) 89602180
Fax: (716) 332-6805
Community Services for Developmental Disabilities – Buffalo
452 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14202
Phone: (716) 883-8002
Fax: (716) 883-2065
Community Services for Developmental disabilities – Kenmore
1179 Kenmore Avenue
Kenmore, NY 14217
Phone: (716) 877-1111
Fax: (716) 877-1177