CROTCHED MOUNTAIN ATECH Services – Refurbished Equipment Marketplace

Address: 57 Regional Drive #7
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 226-2900 Website:

The Refurbished Equipment Marketplace is a centralized depository of previously owned assistive technologies that have been donated, refurbished and made available for purchase to individuals and dealers throughout New Hampshire. Each year the REM sells over 500 pieces of equipment (wheelchairs, mobility aids, hospital beds, bath aids, scooters, portable ramps, etc.) to persons who find the cost of new technology prohibitive.

The Refurbished Equipment Marketplace is supported, in part, with funds from ATinNH, the New Hampshire State Program on Assistive Technology.

Equipment Categories:

Manual Wheelchairs
 Tilt in Space Chairs
 Power Wheelchairs
 Manual Chair RENTALS
 Wheelchair Cushions
 Bath Equipment
 Pediatric items
 Walking Aids
 Patient Lifts
 Seating and Positioning
 Hospital Beds and Rails
 Misc. Equipment

More on the Refurbished Equipment Marketplace:
More on ATECH Services:
More on Crotched Mountain:

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