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CUBS (Community Urban Bus Service) Disabled Services
Kevin Merry, Transit Manager
The Community Urban Bus Service provides reduced fare fixed bus route service as well as paratransit service for disabled citizens in the Longview/Kelso urban area. The fixed route service is curbside bus service, and the paratransit service is shared-ride transportation for those functionally unable to use CUBS' fixed route system. Mini-buses are used to provide destination to destination service. Application In order to qualify as a disabled person for half fare on the fixed bus route, or to use the paratransit service, you are required to complete an application form. Application forms are available upon request at the CUBS' office at 254 Oregon Way or at the Transit Center at 1135 12th Avenue, Longview, WA 98632. Completed forms can be delivered to either location or mailed to CUBS, PO Box 128, Longview, WA 98632. CUBS offers a full range of services for the disabled customer. Certification Process CUBS' application forms, which include a section to be completed by the applicant's medical professional, are reviewed by CUBS' staff to determine the level of eligibility of the applicant. If the applicant meets eligibility requirements, he/she will be notified in writing to come to the CUBS' office or Transit Center where the applicant's picture will be taken. An identification card will be issued to the applicant that will expire in three years. Cardholders are required to renew identification cards upon expiration. CUBS Accessible Fixed Route Buses All CUBS buses are ADA accessible, providing wheelchair lifts and low-floor kneeling devices. Buses provide space for up to two wheelchairs and/or scooters. Priority Seating Seats directly behind the driver are reserved for elderly and disabled patrons.