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Cumberland County YMCA – Casco Bay YMCA – Freeport Maine
Cumberland YMCA Swim Sports Play Program
The Cumberland and Casco Bay Branches of the YMCA offer a wide variety of adaptive sports, recreation and play programs
Portland Programs Contact: (207) 874-1111
Pineland Branch, New Gloucester, ME, Contact (207) 688-2255
This YMCA has two pools, a warm water (87-degree), therapeutic pool in which arthritis exercises and other classes are offered and a cooler lap pool. The locker room and showers are fully accessible. The Adaptive Services Program currently serves nearly 300 people – double the size of the program just two years ago. Volunteer drives transport participants from as far north as Lisbon and as far south as Kennebunk.
Programs include: Kids Tumbling, Children's Yoga, Youth Swim Lessons, Introduction to Dance, Middle School Madness and more.