D. W. Jessen Scottish Rite Childhood Language Disorders Clinics – Louisiana

Address: 621 Carondelet Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
Website: http://scottishrite.org/about/philanthropy-scholarships/ritecare-directory/

RiteCare® Clinics accept preschool children who have difficulty speaking or understanding the spoken word or school-age children who have difficulty learning to read. Some centers also offer literacy training for adults.

Centers in Louisiana:
D. W. Jessen Scottish Rite Childhood Language Disorders Clinic
Southeastern Regional Scottish Rite Childhood Language Center (D.W. Jessen Clinic)
Scottish Rite Temple
621 Carondelet Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
Telephone: 985-542-4116

D. W. Jessen Scottish Rite Childhood Language Disorders Clinic –  Lake Charles
Masonic Temple
Contact:  Holly Damico, Director
717 Hodges Street
Lake Charles, LA 70601-4214
Phone: 337-436-1676
Email: hollydamico@louisiana.edu

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