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Deaf / Blind Central: Michigan’s Training and Resource Project
A grant through the U.S. Department of Education providing educational consultation and family support to families and professionals impacted by a child/student who is Deaf / Blind. At DB Central we maintain the belief that individuals who are Deaf / Blind share equally in the respect, opportunity, and life enjoyment afforded to all individuals. We are committed to advancing the recognition of the unique needs presented by Deaf / Blindness. This is accomplished by promoting individualized, systematic instruction and family-centered planning processes.
Lending Library
Family, teachers, and other service providers of children who are deaf-blind in Michigan may borrow books and other resources from the resource lending library for specified periods of time. Books or other resources may be loaned to an individual for up to four (4).
DB Central Staff:
Phone: (1-888-758-0508)
Please include the name(s) of the materials you would like to borrow and the amount of time you will need them in your email.
Please visit our website or Contact Us for more information:
Deaf Blind Central: Michigan's Training and Resource Project: