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Deaf, Kansas State School for
The Kansas School for the Deaf – where a vision for the future combines with a rich heritage to produce a remarkable present! A placement option available to all deaf children in Kansas ages 3-21. A barrier-free communication environment which fosters early, fluent communication and on-going fluent communication as a means of broadening horizons and maximizing possibilities. Bilingual instruction, which builds on the strengths of a fluent, visual language [American Sign Language] to develop fluency in a second, written language [English].
Academics – Kansas School for the Deaf is accredited by the State of Kansas and North Central Accreditation Association (NCA). All academic curricula have been aligned to the Kansas Department of Education's State Standards and Extended Standards. Students at specific grade levels participate in state and local assessments as mandated by state law and policy.
KSD uses a school improvement plan to promote excellence through continuous improvement. Its improvement process involves all stakeholders (parents, students, staff, and community members) in developing a shared vision, determining current achievement levels, and developing a school improvement plan. This process fulfills our responsibility for accreditation.
Throughout the elementary program, children receive instruction primarily in grades K-6 self-contained classrooms. The secondary instructional program, grades 7-12 is taught by teachers who teach separate academic courses while planning cooperatively for career or interest-based connections between subjects. In addition to core academic classes, students choose other classes to match their own interests and aspirations. Students have many choices for after school extra-curricular activities including athletics, performing arts, and service learning projects.
Language Experience – The Instructional Services offers a number of programs such as ASL Immersion, Study of ASL, Academic courses, Reading Intervention, Deaf Studies, ASL Maintenance classes. These programs are designed to assist the Deaf and Hard of Hearing students and their families with the acculturation of our school and community.
KSD offers a barrier-free language environment for students.
KSD is a school where both American Sign Language [ASL] and English are equally respected and taught.
Students have complete access to the curriculum and extra-curricular activities in their primary language.
Students receive direct instruction in their primary language and have social opportunities with peers who can communicate fluently in their shared language.
Speech-Language services are available to students who demonstrate the need for such support as determined by the student's IEP.
American Sign Language [ASL] tutoring is available for students who demonstrate the need for such support.
Dual Placement- Interaction between Deaf/hard of hearing students and hearing students in an integrated setting can be valuable, desirable and educationally appropriate. There are opportunities for a broader range of academic, vocational, and social experiences. The option for KSD students to take courses in the Olathe Public school is determined by the student's needs, abilities, and desires with input and feedback from classroom teachers, LEA, parents and school administrators. Dual placement is addressed and determined at the IEP meeting. Students interested in taking one or more classes in the Olathe public school will need to follow the set policies and procedures. The initial contact needs to be made with the IEP Coordinator. A copy of the Dual Placement guidelines is available upon request.
Residential Services:
The Residential Services Program, a program under Student Life, is provided for those students who cannot live at home and attend class at KSD due to distance. The residential option is open to all students who wish to develop their interaction, social gatheringsocial and independent living skills. Under the guidance of residential staff, students are directly responsible for the daily management of the household, including cleaning and maintaining their household. Social skills are enhanced with interaction among students and staff in a culturally Deaf environment. After school programs include clubs, a variety of activities, and intramural sports to promote positive, quality leisure times. Study halls are a required, integral part of the Residential Services Program, with academic support provided by residential staff. To foster positive identity development, dormitory staff plan for, and encourage student participation in Deaf community events. Students are encouraged to be involved in planning group activities and special field trips. Their involvement in decision-making is important to the program, because it helps build their problem-solving skills and their confidence in decision making.
Residency – Students are required to live either with their parent/guardian, spouse, or in KSD's dormitory. The IEP team may consider alternate living arrangements. If the IEP team feels that an alternate living arrangement better fits the individual needs of the student, they will make a recommendation to the Superintendent that this requirement be waived.
Use of the Dormitories – The Kansas School for the Deaf strives to support the family unit. However, at times, there is a need to reside on campus. dormGenerally, to live in the dormitories, it is expected that the student live more than 25 miles from the Kansas School for the Deaf. However, there are times when it is beneficial for day students to take advantage of the Residential Services Programs offered in the dormitories. The following rules govern the acceptance and placement of students in the dormitories.
The student requires additional communication, language or social development activities beyond the school day.
The student's social and physical well being is better served in the Dormitories.
The student is involved in school activities that might end late at night.
Day students wishing to stay in the dormitory must send a letter of request. Then a conference will be set up to discuss the reasons for the request and the rules for the student. Parents/legal guardians are expected to be at this meeting. The day student that chooses to stay in the dormitory agrees to follow the rules of the dormitories and the direction of the dormitory staff. If he/she does not agree to this or fails to follow the rules, the student will lose his dormitory privilege and will need to get transportation to school each day.
After School Programs- Recreational activities, social and emotional developmental activities, independent living skills training, and incidental educational activities are incorporated snowdayinto the students' daily living schedule in the dormitories. Throughout the year, the Residential Services staff and the students plan activities that explore new knowledge and skills in support of the educational programs. The students use the Learning Center (a tutorial and homework center) for homework and study time. Students also can use the computer located in the dormitories to contact families and friends via email.
The students have the use of the swimming pool, Student Center, the gyms, and the playground areas for relaxation. Movies are rented periodically for their enjoyment (ratings are dependent on age group of the students). Field trips to shopping malls, restaurants, plays, or the library are regularly scheduled.
The Elementary Dormitory, with the assistance of the Olathe Clockwinder Optimists, sponsors the Alpha Deaf Optimist Club. Sharon Volk is the sponsor. This learning and fun opportunity includes boys and girls from ages 10 to 14. Weekly meetings provide an opportunity for elementary-age children to learn about the community they live in. The students participate in several community service projects throughout the school year.
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