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DeForest Area School District
"Welcome to the DeForest Area School District! Our schools enjoy a long community tradition of scholarship and high achievement both in and outside of the classroom. We are committed to not only maintaining our reputation as an excellent school system, but continually enhancing programs for every student. Please join us in the educational process — we encourage you to visit our schools and become involved in the learning opportunities our community offers. The DeForest Area School District is rated among the best in the state by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. The area's high school graduation rate consistently ranks above the state average. The majority of the district's high school graduates enroll in either two- or four-year colleges.
The school district serves a diverse citizenry in the Northeast quadrant of Dane County. The majority of our 3,200 students reside in the rural-suburban communities of DeForest and Windsor, though the District serves portion of six other municipalities in a 100-square mile area. The other communities include Hampden, Leeds, Bristol, Burke, Vienna and portions of Madison."