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Department of Human Resources, Division of Child and Family Services
The Nevada Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS), together in genuine partnership with families, communities and other governmental agencies, provides support and services to assist Nevada's children and families in reaching their full human potential. DCFS recognizes that Nevada's families are our future and children, youth and families thrive when they:
Live in safe, permanent settings
Experience a sense of sustainable emotional and physical well being
Receive support to consistently make positive choices for family and the common good
Division of Child and Family Services building strong communities through strengthening families.
Child welfare agencies in Nevada believe families are the primary providers for children’s needs. The safety and well-being of children is dependent upon the safety and well-being of all family members. Children, youth and families are best served when staff actively listens to them and invite participation in decision-making. We support full implementation of family centered practice by engaging families in child and family teams and offering individualized services to build upon strengths and meet the identified needs of the family.
Click Here for the Aging and Disability Services Division – Aging & Disability Services provides resources at the community level which promote equal opportunity and life choices for people with disabilities through which they may positively contribute to Nevada.
Learn More about What DS Does
DS Service Philosophy
Services are most effective when carried out in the communities they are meant to impact.
The consumers of services must be involved in all levels of policy and decision making which potentially impact their lives.
Private/public sector partnerships are key to effective service delivery, programmatic success and community integration for people with disabilities.