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Development Grant – Montana Youth Transitions
Office of Public Instruction, Division of Special Education
Mission: Support schools so that all students can achieve high standards; Assess and communicate the quality and achievements of K-12 education; Provide access to and management of information and data related to K-12 school improvement; Deliver quality instruction through professional development; Support accountability and improvement in all Montana Schools. The Division of Special Education has responsibility for assuring that children with disabilities receive a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. Division staff provide training, technical assistance and monitor special education services provided by public schools and state-operated programs. The Division is also responsible for managing the flow of state and federal dollars for special education programs. We support schools in their efforts to adopt exemplary teaching practices that lead to improved teaching and learning experiences for children with disabilities. The Office of Public Instruction (OPI) has numerous resources and training materials on secondary transition. Much of the information has been created for special education teachers and support personnel, although the resources may be useful to anyone working with students who are approaching secondary transition. There are training webinars in the areas of IEP Compliance and Best Practices in Secondary Transition; Best Practices from the Schools; Transitioning to Life – adult services; and some on Job Analysis, and Prompting and Fading.