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Developmental Disabilities Center, Roosevelt Hospital NY
The DDC is a medical home for multiply-handicapped, developmentally disabled children and young adults in New York City. It also provides pediatric neurology services to residents of New York City and the surrounding areas, drawing from as far away as Orange County.
Services Provided:
PEDIATRICS – two half-day sessions per week, with care for our handicapped children, including well child care, sick care, and follow up for graduates of the neonatal intensive care unit.
NEUROLOGY – four half-day sessions per week, focusing on the care of children with epilepsy, attentional issues, autism, headaches and neuromuscular disorders.
PSYCHIATRY – one half day session each week, with care provided to an extremely underserved population of children with behavioral problems and children with psychiatric diagnoses. Children and adults with developmental disabilities are also seen. Recently, psychiatry and psychology residents have begun to see patients.
ORTHOPEDICS – one half-day session twice per month, providing care to children with cerebral palsy, scoliosis and gait disorders
INTERNAL MEDICINE – one half-day session twice a week to provide primary medical care to adults with developmental disabilities, neurological disorders, and those living in group homes.
SOCIAL WORK – half-time CSW provides counseling and medical social work services to children and families experiencing the stress of dealing with lifelong chronic disease, along with attendant issues regarding housing, access to health care, education and social problems. The other half of the social worker’s time is spent at the preschool.
NEUROSURGERY – One half day session twice per month, focusing on the care of children with brain tumors, issues of spasticity requiring surgery, ventriculoperitoneal shunt follow-up, macrocephaly and craniofacial disorders.
DEVELOPMENTAL PEDIATRICIAN to provide developmental evaluations of children whose parents and primary caregivers are concerned about their progress. (Part of the pediatric clinic.)
WHEELCHAIR CLINIC to meet once per month to address the needs of this population. Equipment is often broken or larger sizes are needed. These needs are better served in one central location with less fragmentation of care. Associated clinics include ophthalmology, dentistry and genetics. The clinic is run and coordinated by two Registered Nurses – (1.5 FTE’s) and a registrar and translator, and family aide/translator/secretary.
DDC Brochure
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