Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, NY State

Address: 99 Washington Avenue,, 12th Floor, Suite 1230
Albany,, NY 12210
Phone: (518) 486-7505 Fax: (518) 4023505 Email: Website:

The New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council is a Federally-funded New York State Agency working under the direction of the Governor's Office.

The DDPC is responsible for developing new ways to improve the delivery of services and supports to New Yorkers with developmental disabilities and their families. The Council focuses on community involvement, employment, recreation and housing issues faced by New Yorkers with developmental disabilities and their families. The DDPC affects positive systems change through grant programs that fund such activities as:

  • Demonstration programs
  • Training for families and staff outreach to unserved and underserved populations
  • Support to communities
  • Interagency collaboration and coordination
  • Systems design and redesign


To a large extent, DDPC programs are developed in direct response to the concerns and ideas voiced by consumers, families, service providers, policy-makers and other professionals.


Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:


Was Your Child's CP Preventable?