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Developmental Services, Tri-Valley Inc. (KS)
Transportation Services: provides services for the general public, transporting individuals to and from grocery stores, pharmacies, and other businesses, and to and from medical appointments. Vehicles are handicapped accessible. The van operates Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Day Services – are geared to engage all individuals in meaningful activities. Clients who want and are able to work are encouraged to join in contract work within the Service Center or seek employment within the community. Individualized training and job placement within the community are among services offered. TVDS staff work closely with employers in our communities to match the abilities and interests of clients with jobs. Skill building and job training are on-going processes to help assure success for our clients in the workplace.
Residential Services – Our mission is reflected in the choices available to clients, both in residential and day services. Residential services range from 24-hours a day assistance to an hour or so a day. Tri-Valley provides only the support that is needed through trained professional staff. Our goal is to enable persons with disabilities to live where they choose, with support from TVDS staff. TVDS has 30 years of experience in providing residential services for persons with developmental disabilities.
Life Enrichment Services – For those clients at retirement age or for those whose health or behavioral challenges make it difficult for them to work full time, day services in fields of other interests are available at both Service Centers. Classes are offered to provide clients with opportunities for learning and community involvement, ranging from horticultural therapy , art therapy to volunteerism. Physical exercise and a variety of activities are available and geared toward the individual client. Senior clients may chose to find a quiet, calm place to spend time; and individuals seeking relaxation may be interested in participating in sensory activities. Whatever the individual choice, TVDS strives to offer engagement of clients.
Employment Services – Two types of employment are offered to clients of Tri-Valley Developmental Services: sheltered and supported employment.
Sheltered employment- offers vocational skill building from two Service Centers: Chanute and Fort Scott. Clients learn to develop basic work habits and skills to enhance their independence. TVDS clients learn skills-and earn a paycheck-through contracts with area businesses and industries.
Supported employment- helps individuals with developmental disabilities compete in the work force. Through a step-by-step process individuals are helped in finding jobs within their communities, and Tri-Valley continues to provide on-the-job training to assure success of the relationship between employer and employee
Through the job placement program at Tri-Valley, area employers gain well-trained, dedicated employees. Individuals are available for full or part-time positions. TVDS will work with you to fill your employment needs and provide the necessary training. As the employer, you gain willing and able workers while you save hiring and training costs. Area employers have found that individuals with developmental disabilities often inspire other workers with their strong work ethics and positive attitudes. The employment and training services of TVDS have been recognized at the state level for excellence.
Case Management Services – strive to support the whole person across settings by:
Information provision
Assistance in identifying resources and barriers
Insuring that the person is informed of their rights and responsibilities and how that influences their preferred lifestyle
Assisting the person and their service provider (s) in designing services tailored to the person’s needs
Provision of advocacy for the person, helping bridge gaps in needed services
Identification of the preferred lifestyle through a person-centered planning process
Continual adaptation of the person-centered plan as needed to meet the current needs of the person
Monitoring the quality of services provided and identifying additional resources as needed to assist the person in achieving their preferred lifestyle.
Please visit our website or Contact Us for more information:
Horticultural Therapy Program
4305 Campbell Drive
Fort Scott, KS 66701
Phone: (620) 223-3990
Fax: (620) 223-3997
Director of Day Services – Alene Jolly
Email Director
Horticultural Therapy Program Webpage
Tri-Valley Developmental Services: